Welcome to Poly-N-Jex

Poly-N-Jex is Ottawa’s leading expert in concrete leak repair, specializing in advanced Chemical Injection and trenchless solutions to stop water infiltration. From sealing active leaks to protecting the structural integrity of concrete, we deliver efficient, cost-effective results without compromising on quality. Proudly serving Ottawa, Kingston, Perth, and surrounding Ontario communities, we are your trusted partner for durable and lasting water leak solutions.

What We Do

Manhole Water Infiltration Solutions

Our specialized solutions effectively seal manholes, preventing water infiltration and structural damage.

Soil Stabalization

With our in-depth knowledge of chemical grouting, we provide expert solutions for a variety of water infiltration challenges.

Seal and Prevent Water Leaks

We offer advanced techniques to seal and prevent water leaks, ensuring long-term protection for underground structures.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does chemical grouting prevent water infiltration?

Chemical grouting involves injecting specialized grout materials into cracks and leaks to seal and stabilize the surrounding area, effectively preventing water from infiltrating manholes.

Where can Chemical Injection be applied?

Soil stabilization with chemical grouting provides a permanent solution by creating a solid, water-resistant layer that reinforces soil structure. It’s perfect for adding stability around bridges, retaining walls, maholes, storm drains, and foundations, reducing erosion, and ensuring long-lasting support for construction projects, even in challenging conditions.

What sets Poly-N-Jex apart from other water infiltration solution providers?

Poly-N-Jex stands apart thanks to our streamlined setup for man-entry leak repairs, which enables us to deliver efficient, cost-effective solutions without the bulky equipment typical of our competitors. With over a decade of hands-on experience in sewer system construction and rehabilitation, our founder brings expert knowledge to every project, backed by a team committed to quality and practicality.

Our advantage lies in our specialized setup and proficiency, resulting in significant savings for you. Beyond water infiltration repairs, we handle all man-entry services, from debris removal, benching, and ladder rung repair to leak fixes. We also offer comprehensive Logiscell and concrete repair options, ensuring we meet both budget and timeline requirements while addressing each project’s unique needs.

About us

Poly-N-Jex is a leading provider of trenchless chemical grouting in Ottawa for water infiltration solutions in manholes and storm drains. Our founder, JS Proulx, has over a decade of industry experience, a dedication to delivering exceptional results, and has earned a reputation for excellence in the industry. He is the backbone of our team who are committed to providing effective and sustainable solutions that address the unique challenges of water infiltration in manholes. Additionally, our efficient set up and good relationships with suppliers translates into substantial savings for you!

Find out how much you could save today! We guarantee you won't be disappointed with price, workmanship or quality.